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Heatmap Layer

Use the HeatmapLayer component to depict the intensity of data at geographical points on the map. Make sure to include the visualization library in the libraries prop of the GoogleMap component.


You can pass a HeatmapLayerOptions object to the options prop to configure your heatmap layer. Note that for convenience you can use LatLngLiterals if you wish for the locations.

<script setup>
import { GoogleMap, HeatmapLayer } from 'vue3-google-map'

const sanFrancisco = { lat: 37.774546, lng: -122.433523 }

const heatmapData = [
  { location: { lat: 37.782, lng: -122.447 }, weight: 0.5 },
  { lat: 37.782, lng: -122.445 },
  { location: { lat: 37.782, lng: -122.443 }, weight: 2 },
  { location: { lat: 37.782, lng: -122.441 }, weight: 3 },
  { location: { lat: 37.782, lng: -122.439 }, weight: 2 },
  { lat: 37.782, lng: -122.437 },
  { location: { lat: 37.782, lng: -122.435 }, weight: 0.5 },

  { location: { lat: 37.785, lng: -122.447 }, weight: 3 },
  { location: { lat: 37.785, lng: -122.445 }, weight: 2 },
  { lat: 37.785, lng: -122.443 },
  { location: { lat: 37.785, lng: -122.441 }, weight: 0.5 },
  { lat: 37.785, lng: -122.439 },
  { location: { lat: 37.785, lng: -122.437 }, weight: 2 },
  { location: { lat: 37.785, lng: -122.435 }, weight: 3 },

    style="width: 100%; height: 500px"
    <HeatmapLayer :options="{ data: heatmapData }" />